Biofach 2018: a great success for Simonato
09 March 2018
BioFach: it's the largest and most important event in the organic world, taking place each February in Nuremberg, Germany. This year, for the first time, the Simonato Company participated with a stand in Pavilion 4.
We have been certified organic since 2000 and have been growing organic since 1997. According to Carlo Simonato this event "brought us into contact with companies with the same long-standing experience as our own. It was a sincere gathering of producers and representatives from large-scale retailers, the hospitality industry and customers: we believe that events of this kind are important to enable us to build a better future based on eco-compatible farming, therefore showing respect for nature and the earth."
Rosanna Bertoldin observes that: "Our customers are very aware and informed consumers and, thanks to our organised and efficient set-up, we can guarantee transparency and professionalism and provide a very high quality organic product which fully complies with organic supply chain requirements".
"It was a wonderful experience, and we had a great response from our many visitors and industry operators. A section of Pavilion 4 was dedicated to Italy, and we were proud to display our tricolour flag and give the organic world a taste of the beauty and goodness of the organic aromatic plants that so perfectly encapsulate the flavours and scents of our Mediterranean land".